Tranquil Turmoil is a series of paintings that have been made into Visio Divina postcards in collaboration with spiritual director Mee Yun Kim. Each painting deals with an aspect of the visual relationship between light and darkness which can illuminate our inner relationship to light and darkness. Visio Divina invites us to enter into a sacred space of meditation through visual means, similar to the more commonly known practice of Lectio Divina.
Tranquil Turmoil is a series of paintings that have been made into Visio Divina postcards in collaboration with spiritual director Mee Yun Kim. Each painting deals with an aspect of the visual relationship between light and darkness which can illuminate our inner relationship to light and darkness. Visio Divina invites us to enter into a sacred space of meditation through visual means, similar to the more commonly known practice of Lectio Divina.